Monday, March 06, 2006

The Verdict

Friday was the long awaited appointment with the Orthopedic Doctor. The facility is huge, almost like a mini hospital. I was quite surprised by this. Also surprising was the efficiency uncommon to most medical experiences.

Here’s how it went: Check-in 10 minutes prior to the appointment. Walk to waiting room. Wait 5 minutes. Nurse calls my name. Shown to the xray waiting area. Wait 2 minutes. Escorted to the Xray room. Total of 4 Xrays taken. Shown to exam room. Wait 4 minutes for the Doctor. Doctor arrives. We discuss my issues. Diagnosis given. shown my film. sent on my way. Total time taken, 30 minutes, max. I wonder if this is common for this office. Amazing!
Anyway, the xray showed normal, healthy looking bones. No evidence of a stress fracture at this time. More likely than not, I am experiencing hip bursitis, the natural cushion in my hip area is inflamed. The treatment for now is taking anti-inflamtory meds twice a day, stretching 2-3 times a day and icing 2-3 times a day. I am only allowed to participate in low impact activities. No running for at least 3 weeks.

Today, I swam for the first time in awhile. Mostly I did laps of kicking both in freestyle and breaststroke. I mixed this with some walking, lunges and side lunges in the pool. Actual laps using both my arms and legs are difficult, my arms are totally not used that type of work. Later in the day, I worked shoulders. My warm up was on the bike. Slight hip pain towards the end of the workout.
I still have some exercise specific questions to ask the Doctor.

Bummer that I won’t be able to run in Austin like I had hoped. I was so looking forward to doing that. I suppose the good thing is that the third month of 2006 is only beginning. There are still many months left this year. My Spring goals will just have to become my Summer/Fall goals.


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