Friday, March 03, 2006


Friday is upon us and the question of what are you going to do this weekend pops up more frequently then expected. With that, what are we doing this weekend.

Today's plan, Get Fish Oil; for reasons explained in my previous blog. We are then going to look at the house. I think it should have the roof and all the outsides up. I'll have pictures to share. Then we are going to go to some eye glasses places and get me some new glasses. I am still wearing the ones I had in high school. Only at night before bed. However, it is time for a change.

I also renewed my Verizon cell phone contract (Duke employee get a discount, awesome.) and picked out a new phone. The phone is a samsung, and the main reason I got it was for it's bluetooth "wireless" headset. So now I can leave my phone anywhere and as long as I stay within a 15 ft radius I can talk. It was free with my phone so that made choosing easy. So far I love it, and I got a 50 mail in rebate. Excellent.

Might open the bottle of Farallon tonight, who knows.


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