Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Meet our Neighbors

This spring, on our anniversary, the flowerbeds received a facelift courtesy of Dad ('father, Chris'). He pruned the shrubs, added soil and planted an assortment of perenials and annuals. The difference was so astounding. We promised to faithfully water and take care of the new plants. It has been a little over 2 months and with few exceptions the promise has been kept.
As a result our flower beds are fertile and exlploding with life. Today I met the newest resident, a green tree frog a little bigger than the size of quarter.

In the past week I have also made acquaintance with at least 3 females and 1 male praying mantis. For whatever reason, there is a quasi infestation of spiders. I am indifferent towards most of them but this one spider is particularly creepy and dangerous looking. I don't know what type he is but I check on him regularly.

Hope this post finds you all well.


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